“There is no Sleepy Hollow on the Internet, no peaceful spot where contemplativeness can work its restorative magic. There is only the endless, mesmerizing buzz of the urban street.” Nicholas Carr, from The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains (New York: Norton, 2010)
Friday, January 31, 2014
Blog #3
The conversations in class have been circulating around whether or not something is able to be aesthetically appreciated and if so, the correct way of appreciating it. It has opened my eyes to how things such as a drive to school everyday can be seen as beautiful, when most view it as a hassle and irritating. When I drive the thirty to forty minutes to school everyday, I find the ride very relaxing. The views I experience as I drive 275 loop day in and out do seem beautiful regardless of if there is a dead animal lying on the side of the road, a broken down vehicle, or the late night drive where it is just me and the road are essentially able to be appreciated aesthetically.
Blog #3
A place that I find aesthetically beautiful is
Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. My family has had a time share there since I
was very young. It is a place that as a family we can get away and enjoy each
other’s company. There are many things in nature that you can see in Hilton
Head that cannot be seen in Cincinnati. Beauties in nature down there are
things such as the beach and ocean.
Blog #2
Another place that I find aesthetically beautiful is
my room. My room is a place that I can get away from everyone and think freely.
It is quiet and I can get things done like homework without any disturbances. When
I am in my room it is my own space and I can do whatever I want.
Blog #1
A place that I find aesthetically beautiful
is the pitcher’s mound. As a baseball player being out on the field is a way to
get away from everything and just enjoy life. Being a pitcher and being out on
the mound gives me freedom and is a place where I can think freely and clear my
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Blog #3
A place or really something that always grabs my attention would have to be the streams or in forests where there is a flowing river with rocks and etc. Now I am still not sure why I find this beautiful or even picturesque. But it is something I usually always look forward to seeing. I can always remember as a kid how I was always fascinated by streams especially ones that I often see in Winton Woods. Whenever I see them or run by them, I feel I have to at least observe it. I've never really gone done and truly just sat there enjoying the nature around me or picking up rocks from the stream even though a part of me have always wanted to. Maybe its the picturesque sight I see when I look at streams or that I haven't really just gone down to a stream and just soak in the nature.
Naples, Florida Blog #3
One place that I've been on vacation quite a few times in the past 3 years is Naples, Florida. I find it very enjoyable and fun. The beach is always very relaxing and it is enjoyable to just sit there an watch the waves, read a book, and/or look for shells. Not only is the beach enjoyable but there are many outdoor activities to do as well, for example deep sea fishing is a lot of fun and it is very peaceful out on the water with very few other people out there. It is always very beautiful there. Whether on the beach or doing other activities it is easy and nice to get away from all the pressures of life and find time for yourself to just relax.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Aesthetic Modeling - Blog 3
All of these models telling me how to appreciate nature and respond properly. It seems bold for an author to assume that I may or may not have had appropriate aesthetic responses to nature... All the models presented have valid points and ideas. I suppose the natural environmental model embodies my own experience. With a scientific background and much contact with nature throughout may life, I may be able to have a more appropriate response than someone who doesn't. But I don't know for sure since all I know is my own experience. Who am I anyway, and am I arrogant enough to pass judgement? Well I suppose I leave these philosophical concerns to the experts. Perhaps they can tell me I am experiencing the image below incorrectly.
Seneca Rocks WV
Seneca Rocks WV
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Blog 2
place that I think is very beautiful and picturesque is my hometown
Maysville, Kentucky. Since we are located right on the river, we get
a variety of scenes. In the Summer, the landscape is green and there
are many different colors. In the fall, the trees are bare and there
isn't as many colors. We also have a flood wall with many different
murals painted on. They are very vivid and detailed. They bring a
sense of life to the small town and they're always a joy to see. Even
though I live in a very small town, we have a lot of outstanding
things that makes it special.
Blog 2
I'm a pitcher on the baseball team here and there is nothing more beautiful than the baseball field. I've always loved baseball and I just love the way the baseball field smells after a fresh cut. the game itself it beautiful, its the only game where you cant sit on a lead and run a few plays to kill the clock, you have to throw the ball over the plate and give the hitter a chance. Thats why its so beautiful cause no other sport is like it. The baseball field is the only place that i can feel at piece and feel stress free.
Blog #1
I'm a little late getting to this blog posting, unfortunately, but better late than never. When thinking of my own personal "Sleepy Hollow" no one place comes to mind. I can relate to the saying "Home is Where the Heart Is" but this also poses some dificulty for me. While most of my extended family remains close to be in mileage, my immediate family doesn't. Many of my family members live 70 miles from Canada in Minnesota. Since they're there, I find a piece of home and a real appreciation of the hauntingly beautiful landscape (below is a picture of the terrain in the winter time).
Next is Ohio, Much of my extended family lives scattered throughout the state. It is familiar and comforting for this reason. I also makes up part of my "Sleepy Hollow." Below is Hyde Park, where my sister lives.
There's also Alabama. It encompasses my future and also, at the moment, my brother. Here I can appreciate the beauty of the effects of wisdom and knowledge and the architecture that arises from it.
Finally, there's Kentucky. It includes so much of who I am and has been fundamental in shaping me as an individual that I have to conclude that it consumes the largest part of my "Sleepy Hollow." From the rolling wooded hills to the stocked hay lofts, I f ind myself in every bit of it.
Blog #2
Another place that i find beauty in is Destin Florida where my family and I always go on vacation too. I haven't been there in a couple years since we've been busy with sports and work but we went every year when i was younger. I find it as a place to escape and get away from everyone and not to mention the beach and everything beautiful down there.
Another place that i find beauty in is Destin Florida where my family and I always go on vacation too. I haven't been there in a couple years since we've been busy with sports and work but we went every year when i was younger. I find it as a place to escape and get away from everyone and not to mention the beach and everything beautiful down there.
Blog #1
The place that I find aesthetically beautiful is the baseball field here at Thomas More. I play baseball so its a place for me to get away from school and anything else in life that I need to get away from. I love the surroundings of the field and how it is all set up. That's why I find the baseball field at Thomas More an aesthetically beautiful.
The place that I find aesthetically beautiful is the baseball field here at Thomas More. I play baseball so its a place for me to get away from school and anything else in life that I need to get away from. I love the surroundings of the field and how it is all set up. That's why I find the baseball field at Thomas More an aesthetically beautiful.
Blog #2
Another place that I find beautiful is here on Thomas More's campus. I think that many people take it for granted and do not realize the true beauty that lies on this campus. If you just take a minute and appreciate what we have here, I think that some people would be amazed by not realizing it before. For example we have the chapel with the stained glass windows. These depictions on the window illustrate some of the biblical stories and saints. The windows themselves are beautiful not including the rest of the chapel. The finishing touches top off the beauty of the chapel. There are many other things about this campus that are beautiful. It is a very peaceful campus and I think that the peacefulness adds to the beauty. Also there is the very nice track and football facility. Most people do not think twice about the landscaping, but if you actually pay attention, you notice the dedication and effort that is put into making this campus welcoming and beautiful. People generally take for granted what they have and do not appreciate the beauty around them. There is more beauty to this small campus than most people realize. You just have to pay attention to your surroundings, then you will see the beauty that surrounds you.
Monday, January 27, 2014
Brookville Indiana blog #2
A place that I find beautiful and
Picturesque is a place I found recently located on a good friends of mines farm
in Brookville Indiana. Most of my life I have grown up in the suburbs or in the
city, and have not experience Outdoors as much as I would like. The farm is
mainly a cattle farm but it has many other vegetation’s and livestock on it. The
point of the farm that pleases me the most is a point that sits up on a hill
and overlooks his 800 acres his family has farmed for generations. The spot is breathtaking because you're
sitting up high taking everything in underneath you. This farm is a breeding ground
for a lot of natural species because it has running water and plenty of vegetation.
I have never witnessed things like wild
turkeys, coyotes, foxes, beavers, and turtles in their natural habitats. Only
in the zoo I witness animals like the ones that I see on his property. The fact
that I am not looking at these animals through the cage, but observing these
animals were they actually live breed and feed is fascinating to me. I often
find myself bringing binoculars taking the occasional hike, getting way from
the everyday struggle of life.
Blog #2
Continuing the theme of things that I find beautiful and "picturesque" would have to be the track at Mt. Healthy High School. I can seem how that might be hard to imagine as beautiful but it is a place that I have gone to a lot for running in high school and still to this day. It had this new reformed track that was in the back wooded area of the high school. When running on the track you could see all the trees/forested areas, the pristine grass hills that extended beyond the track and of course the huge stadium seats one could watch from. I find it to be beautiful because the fact I have so many happy memories running workouts there by myself and with my dad. Running on the track you could see all the surroundings around you and felt like a place where I could be alone in my thoughts to soak it all in. The track is the same for the most part since the high school recently changed all the buildings around it and the entrance is different from before. But the track is the same for the most part with having all the forest areas around it and the stadium is slightly bigger.
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Blog #2
This is a little different but it is who I am. I find beauty in everything, but I have a special interest in body modifications. Tattoos, piercings, hair color, implants, ect. What people can and do to their bodies is amazing to me. I personally currently have ten tattoos and fourteen piercings. I love how I can put things on my body that mean so much to me and will always be there. They are usually great conversation pieces and are a great way to prove how just because someone choses to be how they want to be doesn't mean they are a bad person or unable to be a helpful and functioning member in society. I love the beauty that tattoos give to all people and how amazing it can make you feel after getting a tattoo. It is freeing almost. After I finished the cross tattoo pictured below of five of my dead relatives names, it was a way of closure for me. I was finally able to let go. Beautiful.
Friday, January 24, 2014
Blog #2
For this blog I really wanted to focus on something that I experience on a daily basis now that I live further out in the country. It's really a simple concept of being able to stop at night before walking into the house and seeing a huge sky filled with a countless amount of stars. I used to live in a suburb in Cincinnati where smog and clouds typically took over the view of the sky. However, considering this was the norm I never seemed to be bothered by it. Now I have grown to appreciate being able to stand under a blanket of stars and simply take in the beauty of the view without the interruptions that come when living in Cincinnati.
blog post 2
Continuing with my theme of water from my first post, the second place I have decided to share with you is one of my favorite vacation spots in South Carolina on an Island called Seabrook. Seabrook Island is located just outside of Charleston. It is a private island that comes with lots of peace and relaxation. Due to it being private island you virtually have the beach to yourself without the flocks of tourists controlling the whole beach. It is the times when I was all by myself on the beach that I really was able to examine and appreciate the beauty of the ocean. The highlight of my trip was the opportunity to watch the sun rise and set over the calm ocean water. For me it was absolutely extraordinary to watch the sun rise and set with the peaceful sound of the oceans waves rushing up to the beach. It was these moments that I truly treasured because it was as though everything was perfect and nothing was there to go wrong. For me living in Ohio and rarely having the opportunity to see the ocean it was an experience that I took full advantage of, and took in every moment.
Blog #2
When thinking of beauty that may be seen as "picturesque" I think of my home. My house may not come across as beautiful to all viewers, but to me, it is wonderful. I see gardens, woods, flowers, and life. When I view my home, I see not only the color or detail of the exterior, but I see the hard work, time, and dedication that it took from my parents to be able to make this house a home for my family. When I see this house, I feel appreciation and gratitude for being so lucky to live here. I not only see the many memories of the past, but I also see the many years of happy memories to be made with my family.
Blog #2 Austin Justice
Although pristine, untouched nature is predominantly associated with the concept of beauty, I firmly believe that beauty exists across the globe in our everyday lives. On October 13, 2013, I was fortunate enough to make my way down to Huntington, West Virginia with my father. Since I had never wholeheartedly experienced a live performance by my favorite singer-songwriter, Jason Mraz, we opted to take the three hour journey into unfamiliar territory. This musical performance offered its audience entertainment, humor and a night to remember. We paid particular attention to the venue where the concert would take place, the Keith Albee Theater. This magnificent theater was constructed amongst the chaos of downtown Huntington, West Virginia in 1928 under the supervision of vaudeville tycoons Edward Albee and B.F. Keith. It is regarded as part of the Huntington Downtown Historical District. As I sauntered along the slender streets, I became one with nature. It was truly an experience unlike anything I've ever come into contact with through the entirety of my existence. I encourage everyone to take time to escape from mainstream society and common culture in life. You never know what lies beyond your own personal perspective.
Austin Justice

Thursday, January 23, 2014
Thoreau- Blog 2
I have a sweatshirt with a tree on it surrounded by a quote from Thoreau. " In wilderness is the preservation of the world." It is a simple idea that seems easy to understand in regards to conservation. Any naturalist would certainly agree. However I an beginning to understand his words on a different paradigm. Perhaps he also means in wilderness we can find sanctity in our world as recognizing that we are part of it. Through the aesthetic appreciation of the natural world maybe our humanity can be preserved.
Blog number 1
Before attending Thomas More College I lived my entire life in northern Cincinnati in an area called Landen. Landen is a small suburb that is located in the Kings School district. It is a small area with lots of natural beauty. Growing up there one of my favorite places to go was always Landen lake. Landen lake sits in the middle of the town and provides an ideal place for people all over town to go enjoy. For me the lake was always a place for me to get away and relax. I thoroughly enjoyed the ability to go out and sit on the lake and enjoy the beauty of it's surroundings. The lake is peaceful as it is surrounded by trees that hide the neighborhoods around it. It provides a quiet scene that allows me to be at peace and not have to worry about any outside distractions. Still to this day when I go home in the warmer months of the year I make my best effort to go and enjoy Landen Lake as much as possible.
My House blog 2
I have live in Milford my entire life. I live in the suburbs and can't ever imagine living in a big city. It is calm and peaceful where live. My house is surrounded my forests and is on a private drive in the neighborhood with only a few other houses in view because of all the trees. There is a lake in the neighborhood which I can see in my backyard. The summers are always nice, warm and beautiful. Being surrounded by trees and trails to walk on it is very relaxing. the winters may be cold but it is also very beautiful with the grass covered by snow and the trees covered over by ice which reflects the light off. Maybe if I had not grown up here I would view this as just another house and just another neighborhood and not even look at the beauty that is there, but since I am familiar with it, it holds special value for me. It is my home and the memories and things that I see every day in that environment make it beautiful to me.
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Post #1
The place that has had an impact on my life is my old house in Erlanger. This house was not what is commonly considered to be beautiful by today's standards, but it was beautiful to me because of all the memories that I associate with that house. I grew up there, learned how to ride a bike, swing a bat, even tie my shoes there. These are things i will never be able to do again so i consider this place beautiful.
The place I love to visit the most would have to be Winton Woods in Cincinnati. Its a great place because of all the trails with beautiful scenery and the preserved nature that still inhabits it. Winton Woods is pretty much my go to place to run through because of all the wonderful things it offers to the people that run through it or walk as well. I've run through there so much that I often can recount all the fond memories I have of going there. I've gone there for cross country practices, races as well, and often times there to run with old friends to reminisce. I can say that it is my favorite place to run through and still continue to run there because of how it allows the runner or walker to open their minds and enjoying the beauty.
Kant's suggestion of subjective universality to understand aesthetic judgments solves many of the problems with aesthetics as a whole and I think it can be applied to environmental aesthetics as well. Even if someone does not agree that this view I have on our snow day is not beautiful, I would be willing to give arguments in why they should think otherwise.
In the end, we will all think it is beautiful or not depending on our own perspectives and experiences. However, as in Kant's Categorical Imperative (Kant's ethical framework), we wish that other make the same aesthetic observations as we do.
The problems that seems to arise with environmental aesthetics are the complexities of the aesthetic in relation to the ethical responsibility attached to the preservation of that. There are more repercussions for not agreeing on the worth of natural beauty. If not everyone agrees in the sanctity of "ugly" landscapes, then what makes them worth preserving? I am excited to discuss the many perspectives to understand and solve the problems that arise in making this distinction.
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Blog 1 - Environmental Aesthetics (O'Brian Davis)
Environmental aesthetics, in my opinion, is a controversial issue; inundated by ones' perspective, shaped by culture and educational experience. Diving in Jamaica one will come across schools of sergeant major fishes, named for the colorful stripes that resemble a sergeant insignia, and become enthralled by their colorful patterns. To some, this is aesthetically pleasing - beautiful. But, if another variable is added, this very concept of "beauty" can change. The males tend to be very aggressive to protect their nest; they will attack divers relentlessly to deter them. Would these colorful fish still be considered beautiful, given their aggressive behavior? If given prior knowledge of the sergeant majors, whether by being attacked or reading about them, some would fear them. It is hard to expect these individuals to view them as aesthetically pleasing - beautiful. It is important to note, however, that one can use their knowledge and experience in shaping their definition of beauty. Someone knowing to avoid the nests could find the fish beautiful. Also, some might find it beautiful that the fish tries their endeavor best to protect their offspring. All-in-all, it is difficult, probably impossible, to find a unified theory of beauty.
The place I visit most to encounter nature and its beauty is Doe Run Lake and trails in Independence Ky. I really enjoy hiking in the trails or just sitting on my car at the top of the hill and just take it all in. It is a beautiful place where you can be away from our suburban area and really surround yourself with nature. The lake, streams, and wildlife in this wooded area is quite incredible. This is the place I go to when I have had a stressful or bad day and just escape from everything and clear my head. This place provides me with a sense of tranquility and really allows me to gather my thoughts and experience nature close to home.
Friday, January 17, 2014
Blog #1
The place I encounter on a regular basis and personally find most aesthetically beautiful is the softball field at Thomas More College. That might be kind of cliche considering I am a softball player, but it is a place I send time at and interact with more than most. It allows one to be entirely enclosed by the magnificent trees that block the views of the everyday traffic and chaos. It is often that I find myself there when needing to escape from reality. I have had some of my best and worst days at that field, which gives me a unique appreciation of it, when others may find it just a simple softball field.
Blog #1
For me, I do not go out and look for something that is beautiful. Instead, I try to see things through my children's eyes. The four of them can and do find beauty and mystery in everything that they encounter. My favorite place to take them is to a lake or river. They love watching the water flow naturally and "investigating" the area around the water. Looking at the rocks or plant life. My younger two love watching my older two doing things that they can not do yet. The look in their eyes as they are experiencing new things and appreciating the world for what it is naturally is the best way to see things. As adults we see a rock and its just a rock and we move on right past it. As a child, they look at the rock and notice its color, texture, placement, ect. Children have such an open mind and it hurts my heart knowing that sooner rather than later, they will all lose some degree of this mentality.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Fredrick Church painting response - Blog 1
Fredrick Church Painting I am particularly fond of. It seems what is environmentally aesthetic doesn't just represent a pretty landscape. Perhaps it allows a person to realize how small and insignificant they are in regards to something majestic. For a moment I stopped thinking about myself.
My Sleepy Hollow
To choose just one place that provides my greatest escape from reality is actually not that hard of a task. When contemplating this decision, the first thing that comes to mind is the place I spent my nights every other week this past summer. It is a place full of so many events and actions that make up the best of memories. Riverbend Music Center is my escape from reality. Riverbend embodies everything that a summer night should be. Music, laughter, tears, friends, girlfriends, and family all contribute to the magic that is created in this magnificent place. Riverbend Music Center is not just a venue. It is a theater of dreams in which for one night, one can completely forget about the outside world and can enjoy a night of music, friends, and laughter. I cannot describe how incredibly thankful I truly am for such a place that can combine two of my favorite things: the people I love and the music I live for.
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