During my senior trip to Greece, Italy, and Spain I had never really seen a piece of art besides local museums around Cincinnati. I've always taken a liking towards the subject and have always been an artist. I began drawing at a very young age. It started with practicing from other drawing out of picture books or cartoons. As I aged, my skills came together and I had a stronger focus of what was desired for my pieces. I always loved drawing with charcoal, chalk, regular lead pencils, but most of all I enjoyed painting. I've painted numerous peices mostly of flowers and zoomed pieces of landscapes. I love to focus in on the shading, carefully defining edges, and most importantly I love to play witht the colors. Sometimes I like to experiment and just throw something together. I even like to leave pieces unfinished because I enjoy letting the mind wander and think about what could happen in that space. I enoy playing games with the observer's eyes and to ask them to point out something that they like or a favorite part of each piece. I've often sold my paintings to friends, family, and even random buyers. I paid for my very expensive senior trip by selling many paintings and I still paint for my own pleasure with no limitations or expectations. The nice thing about artwork is that when you're the creator, you have no boundaries. Art can be whatever you want it to be.

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