“There is no Sleepy Hollow on the Internet, no peaceful spot where contemplativeness can work its restorative magic. There is only the endless, mesmerizing buzz of the urban street.” Nicholas Carr, from The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains (New York: Norton, 2010)
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Blog 11 - Stars
As the semester comes to an end, I can't help but to reflect on everything we have talked about and studied and find that there is one thing left to reflect on in terms of aesthetic appreciation - the sky. It cannot fit into some of the models that we discussed because it is not a traditional landscape - we cannot compare it to a painting of a landscape or many other things but the stars are the genesis of our world - they make up the very elements that we are made of. The stars are us and we are the stars. The best way to demonstrate the point I am trying to make, I will share with you one of my favorite videos that sends chills down my spine each time I watch it. In this video, the scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson explains what he believes to be the most astounding fact. I recommend that you all watch it.
Blog 10 - the storm everyone talked about
I am going to share with you a very embarrassing story about the storm that seemed to be the hot topic last week. When the storm was at its worst, I happened to arrive at school dressed up in business attire for a presentation. Of course, I had left my umbrella at work and was out of luck for cover for my coiffed hair to protect it from the rain. By some miracle, there was a coat in the trunk of my car so I proceeded to throw it over my head effectively blinding myself. I begin to walk toward the building solely based on memory all the wild stumbling from behind hurtled around by the wind. I had gotten maybe 3 paces before my skirt was plastered to my legs and my pumps literally filled with water. I hadn't given up hope and laughed at how ridiculous I must have looked. After getting what I assumed to be half way to the building, the air began to feel different - I knew lightening was nanoseconds away. Lightening hit the ground somewhere I swear to be on Thomas More's campus. I, who have never been afraid of storms, crouched and scream for a solid 2 minutes. Thunder reverberated all around me. I finally came to my senses and realized what an idiot I looked like and proceeded to scuttle as quickly as possible in my puddle-filled shoes to the door. Reflecting on that experience, I laugh at myself but I also find amazement in the power of that natural force. It had the ability to freeze me in my tracks and fear something that I have always loved. It was wonderful, terrifying and beautiful all at once.
Blog 9 - Nature persists in a man made world
I want to start off by saying that I in no way disagree with the conservation movement. In fact, I avidly support it. I think it is important to not just see the bad in what we are doing but instead also recognize the good. There are instances in our man-made world in which we see nature keeping a strong hold on our psyche. The best example is our yards and gardens. In a book called Biophilia, the author brings up the ideal habitat for the early humans. That landscape was the plains. They provided enough cover to stay out of the sun, find shelter, and hunt efficiently, enough food to be found, and enough room to expand. It is for this reason that the author of this book says that we humans persist in keeping gardens and lawns because it subconsciously reminds us of our beginnings and shows us what we really desire.
Another example is in our domestication of wild creatures - like dogs. We, as humans, started as a predatory species falling under the category of pursuit predators. We aren't fast but we last the test of time and perseverance better than any other terrestrial species. This is why we adopted the wild dog - they were the only species that had the slightest chance of keeping up with us and so we used them to aid us in hunting by filling in our weak spots of scent and hearing. Even though we have domesticated them, we can still see their natural tendencies in everyday life. Domesticated dogs seek a leader for their pack which should theoretically be the owner if they've trained the animal, they follow a social hierarchy just like wild wolves do, and they hunt down rodents in the yard. Dogs are even still used for their original purpose - hunters still use hounds.
Another example is in our domestication of wild creatures - like dogs. We, as humans, started as a predatory species falling under the category of pursuit predators. We aren't fast but we last the test of time and perseverance better than any other terrestrial species. This is why we adopted the wild dog - they were the only species that had the slightest chance of keeping up with us and so we used them to aid us in hunting by filling in our weak spots of scent and hearing. Even though we have domesticated them, we can still see their natural tendencies in everyday life. Domesticated dogs seek a leader for their pack which should theoretically be the owner if they've trained the animal, they follow a social hierarchy just like wild wolves do, and they hunt down rodents in the yard. Dogs are even still used for their original purpose - hunters still use hounds.
Blog 8 - The bear guy's cousin - wolf guy
Earlier we watched the video on the guy that lived with bears. I have something else that might tickle your fancy if you thought that was interesting. There is another man that can be found living with wolves and goes by the name of Shaun Ellis. He sees himself as rehabilitating orphaned wolves and teaching them to be wolves in the most unconventional way possible. he lives with them in the wild: he growls at them, bites them, plays with them, and even eats carcasses with them. It's disgusting. I don't think he has been killed yet but it's only a matter of time in my opinion.
Blog 7 - Death
This is a topic not widely discussed in today's culture due to the stigma that Western culture puts on it. It is important to note that through death comes new life and that is something that I think should be aesthetically appreciated. Through the application of the scientific model of aesthetic appreciation, this beauty becomes evident. If we look at natural "disasters" of the past and see what is arising only because that happened, we can see just how wonderful they turn out to be.
Take , for example, the most recent forest fire in Yellowstone National Park. This fire wiped out a huge expanse of the park. It killed the flora and even some of the fauna. but in its wake comes something beautiful.
From the above pictured devastation comes something very beautiful. With the tall trees gone, lower plants can germinate there and start a new kind of landscape as seen below in one of the recovery photos:
Take , for example, the most recent forest fire in Yellowstone National Park. This fire wiped out a huge expanse of the park. It killed the flora and even some of the fauna. but in its wake comes something beautiful.
From the above pictured devastation comes something very beautiful. With the tall trees gone, lower plants can germinate there and start a new kind of landscape as seen below in one of the recovery photos:
Blog 11 - The Aesthetic Appreciation of Grandiose Buildings
In class we had several discussions about whether or not the mansion on Turkey Foot was aesthetically pleasing. During this discussion the concept of intent came into trying to decide whether we could find such a mansion beautiful if we focus on the intent. Carlson would argue that the intent of the architectural design adds to our historical knowledge, which is necessary for an appropriate aesthetic response. Added to the criteria of our appreciation was the idea of whether the mansion fits well in the location. I contend that the intent of the owner can have a big impact on the appreciation of the mansion. This impact stems from ethical aesthetics, if the owner had an immoral or unethical reason to building the mansion next to smaller house, then that would decrease our aesthetic appreciation of it. But what if we don't know about the owners intent? Could we still use ethical aesthetics to evaluate it? I believe that we should not incorporate the possibility of intent in our criteria for appreciation. But rather focus on what is available to evaluate it. What is available is that there is a grandiose building that overshadows the rest in the neighborhood, when we pass it we are in awe of it. I ask, does the fact that this building stands out in its environment detract from our appreciation of it? Carlson argues that we should focus on elements in the vast and promiscuous environment to gain an appropriate aesthetic experience. As, such given that the mansion focuses our attention for us can we gain an appropriate aesthetic experience from it, given that focusing on it would ignore the presence of the other houses next to it? These are but a few question I have about the aesthetic appreciation of nature.
Blog 6 - Man Made Landscapes
There is this issue in aesthetic as to whether or not man made landscapes should be appreciated on the same level as nature. If we are to appreciate them equally, there would probably be little to no movement on the conservation side in terms of aesthetics due to the equal goodness of man made things. So, are we to take all man made things as not aesthetically pleasing or should we see them as gateways to nature.
First we can look at something so blatantly man made that there is almost no way to see any connection to nature: a city:
First we can look at something so blatantly man made that there is almost no way to see any connection to nature: a city:
In this image, we see the use of lights and technology to illuminate something that could only be made by man. How could this possibly be compared to nature and how can it help us to appreciate the nature we connect it to? If we try to ignore the glaring lights and possible haze of pollution surrounding the city, we can almost see the resemblance of a forest. We have the tall structures that give us cover like the trees would. We have our houses and apartments that resemble the nests and caves of wildlife. By realizing this, we can see ourselves in nature and work to protect it.
In other examples, it is easier to see.
This image displays a home built directly into the hillside. This, I believe is one of the most unobtrusive pieces of modern architecture ever seen. Are we to view this as not being beautiful even though its very nature is respecting the environment in which it is found?
Blog 10 - Grizzly Man; An epic journey for the preservation of nature
There is no denying that Timothy Treadwell, on his numerous journey to Alaska for the preservation of nature, created an intense bond with nature that is not common in society. I believe that such strong emotions for nature drives the will to protect that which is sacred to the aesthete. The only reservations I have with his view of nature is that he incorporated anthropomorphic qualities to the animals of nature. That in itself could be the reason for his death by a Grizzly. I believe we should appreciate nature as nature. Granted, he did build relationships with animals in the wild that we never though were possible. But there should be some limits to our engagement in nature. And this limit is to not humanize nature.
Blog 5 - Underwater statues
Man made things fall in the grey area in terms of appreciating nature. Since it is man made can it not be beautiful? This is a topic that I plan on diving into in the near future but first, I want to talk about art put into nature.
There are ways of appreciating nature, as we have studied in this class that call on the interpretation of nature and our final appreciation of it should be likened to the constraints of art. There are also those that call on the employment of science, and still others that call on the overall experience of nature. Which are we to take. If we do end up choosing only one, how are we to take instances like the photograph above? This image shows a part of an underwater garden of statues made by the artist Jason deCaires Taylor in the Caribbean. The purpose of this eerie garden was to draw people away from the natural reefs and helps to preserve them by increasing the amount of people coming to this other part of the ocean. It is interesting how this concept links a conservation movement to protect something that is aesthetically viewed as very good and beautiful by something that under certain aesthetic lenses is not to be appreciated since it is disrupting the nature that was already there. This offers a puzzling conundrum for the philosophers that view man made things as unworthy.
There are ways of appreciating nature, as we have studied in this class that call on the interpretation of nature and our final appreciation of it should be likened to the constraints of art. There are also those that call on the employment of science, and still others that call on the overall experience of nature. Which are we to take. If we do end up choosing only one, how are we to take instances like the photograph above? This image shows a part of an underwater garden of statues made by the artist Jason deCaires Taylor in the Caribbean. The purpose of this eerie garden was to draw people away from the natural reefs and helps to preserve them by increasing the amount of people coming to this other part of the ocean. It is interesting how this concept links a conservation movement to protect something that is aesthetically viewed as very good and beautiful by something that under certain aesthetic lenses is not to be appreciated since it is disrupting the nature that was already there. This offers a puzzling conundrum for the philosophers that view man made things as unworthy.
Blog 9 - Preservation of Nature
Foltz in an effort to preserve nature has argued that until the beauty of nature is acknowledged in its numerous character the natural environment will not be granted the respect that she deserves as a locus of endless, inspiring, Godful beauty. That is, the mindless consumption and exploitation of nature can only be preserved through the aforementioned. But Snyder believes that this method is not widely practical, and if used, is most effective with Buddhism. I agree that the when it comes to Western culture the majority is not as fervent to the faith compared to the East. But, I think we should find away to make everyone use their concept of spirituality to associate with nature. If the majority can recognize this spirituality of nature, from their perspective, we will have more lobbyist for nature.
Blog 4 - Transcendentalism
This image above really demonstrates the nature of transcendentalism. It goes against the constraints of spirituality and even intellectualism to give a more bare view of nature and man. This relates to the aesthetic appreciation of nature because of its inherent link between nature and man. It allows us to take a view of the natural world around us, not as a function of society and what other people think, but rather as a function of ourselves. It calls for the stripping away of anything we previously thought we knew and calls on the inner spirituality and essence of yourself. The American transcendentalists were not initially aware of the German roots of the movement but came to similar conclusions regardless. Through the belief that institutions clouded and corrupted the individual, the movement called for a very individualistic approach to all things. In other words, there was a call to pay attention to the gut feelings that you have when you experience nature rather than the constraints put forth by the scientific, religious, and political institutions.
Blog 3 - Emerson
I am caught thinking about Emerson and how he sought to view nature. Through his discourse in Nature, we find that Emerson sees humanity (in his time) as accepting the way nature was seen by their forefathers instead of taking it upon them to experience it directly for themselves. It is interesting because of all of the scientific view of nature that about today that Emerson revels on the involvement of God. Emerson talk, in his introduction, about the role each person plays. Since we are all of divine creation, we all hold a key to unlocking something about the universe. This view of everyone as parts of a whole is a very romantic notion but one that I feel myself drawn to because of the sense of wholeness it brings. Emerson maintains that science has a role in presenting the concepts and theories behind nature but it falls to man and their collective presence to find the deeper truth about the concept. This view allows a much more symbiotic view of the role of science, religion, and man in appreciating nature appropriately.
Blog 8 - The Iconic Earth
A statement that is puzzling to me is that by Foltz which states that; "the aesthetics of Eastern Christianity draws upon a theology maintaining that icons, godly images, can be made by artists because the Earth is fundamentally iconic." This statement, to me, is a powerful one. for it argues that all that is taken from the Earth and molded into something new has some level of holiness associated with it. If that's the case are there different level of holiness? For, if holiness is equal, then the statement can be made that all buildings, architectural designs, are sacred. Or is it that this statement is specific only to iconic art created by the artist? Either, way it is fascinating that the holiness of the Earth is present in all nature.
Blog #2
Reflecting back on the course, I am drawn to the first chapter in Carlson's book in which he talks about the appreciation of nature through the ages and how it comes to what we see today. I find myself puzzled by the fact that there are many models for appreciating nature that are determined by constraints of model knowledge and wonder if these philosophers think that the people of the past had no appreciation of nature since they didn't have the aspects of art like we do today (through the expression of tone, color, composition, etc) or the scientific knowledge of today (through physiology, immunology, physics, etc). Are we to conclude that with thorough knowledge of these modern terms and concepts? I say no. If we accepted that conclusion, we would also have to accept that children or uneducated or even well-educated yet uncultured individuals cannot and do not have any appreciation of nature or an incorrect one. This is a puzzling concept and one that I think we could have discussed further. But, alas, there isn't enough time int he world to completely flesh out each idea that we came up with in class.
Blog 12 - Aesthetics of Aesthetics
I find it fascinating that this class addresses perspectives on how people appreciate nature. It makes us stop and observe nature in her manner of operation. For, if we don't talk about how beauty is around us everywhere we go, we get caught up in activities that remove us from nature recognition and appreciation. And as technology advances we lose touch with our frequent interaction with nature. Our appreciation for nature should not be limited to this semester but rather we should take recognition of nature in our future endeavors.
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Blog 7 - A Tarkovsky view of nature
There is no denying that Tarkovsky had a unique perspective when viewing and portraying the world. His works are inundated with spirituality and metaphysical themes with long takes.I think when thinking of the appreciation of nature we can learn something from Tarkovsky. We have been looking at nature from various perspectives in class but we fail to recognize the aesthete's perception. We have discussed the use of emotional response to and knowledge of nature to address our aesthetic appreciation of it, but we should also look at our preconceived notion of nature. That is, do we have set ways that we view nature before we are immersed in it? Does this concept of what we expect nature to look like impact our aesthetic appreciation the nature that is present in front us?
Blog 6 - Deep ecology
Foltz argues that there is a spiritual aspect to nature, a sense of holiness, a deep ecology. We believes that this concept of deep, full understanding of the profoundness of nature, is achieved by our interests. The more interested we are about nature, the more we would want to find out more about it. And this would lead to a domino effect of trying to understand nature. But for us to fully understand nature we must recognize that their is a spiritual component to it that may not be fully revealed. I contend that their is a heightened sense of spirituality about the world we living and thus nature. If we treat nature as the sacred entity it is, nature preservation efforts could be easily undertook.
Blog 5 - Being moved by Nature
Noel Carroll argues that to be moved by nature is to respond to the features of natural experiences with the appropriate emotions. This method seems to be contradictory to Carlson's need for knowledge to have an appropriate aesthetic appreciation of nature. Though the two seems to be on both the extremes of aesthetic appreciation, the combination of the two ideologies are essential. This is because, despite our knowledge about elements of nature we still have some experiences that conflicts with that knowledge. thus both knowledge and emotions should find a common ground in our aesthetic appreciation of nature.
Blog 4 - What is the Correct Appreciation of Nature?
Carlson postulates that the correct appreciation of nature stems from our engagement in nature and our scientific knowledge. He highlights that the more we know about the environment of which we are trying to gain an aesthetic appreciation for, the more intense and satisfying that appreciation will be. I argue that this method of appreciation of nature is a relative one. Firstly, not everyone has access to educational materials, whether by location or finances, to retrieve the knowledge that Carlson says we nee to appreciate nature. Does that mean that the poor who have little to know access to technology or education will never get a full appreciation of nature? Or can a tribe in a rural area in the South Americas that does not have the institutional education about an area find it aesthetically pleasing? Additionally, note that our educational knowledge can also hinder how appreciation of nature. Based off all the methods of appreciating nature, I can argue that no method will allow for everyone to appreciated nature. That is, there is no correct method of appreciating nature. This is because everyone has preferences and those help to determine what one considers beautiful.
Blog 3 - Human Environments: Functional Fit
Carlson argues that the aesthetics of human environments be seen as a major area of environmental aesthetics. He places forward the idea of an ecological approach to the aesthetics of human environments and the notion of functional fit. An ecological approach employs an analogy with natural ecosystems and stresses role of functional fit to facilitate the appreciation of both natural and human environments as looking as they should. This approach by Carlson is an interesting one, it makes me wonder how does he determine if a building has functional fitness if it cannot be associated with nature. The images below were taken on my visit to the mall. From the outside the building did seemed lease fascinating to me. But, when I got inside I found it beautiful. The problem is, I know not how to determine whether it meets Carlson's criteria for functional fitness. The building seems to be surrounded by other buildings, and it was hard to identify nature. Can it be argued that, if the building is taking away from, for example the deer population in area that it does not have functional fitness? Or can I argue for functional fitness by highlighting that the fountain in the middle of the bottom picture mimics waterfalls in nature? Is that association even enough to determine what funtional fitness truly is?
When observing the above photos I look at the intricate design patters of the ceiling and how this patter is perfectly aligned with the fountain beneath it. Because of the complexity, from one with a rudimentary understanding, of the criteria for functional fitness that Carlson supports, I believe that we need not compare architecture to nature but rather focus on the artistic design and the emotion it evokes.
Blog 2 - Don't knock the Aesthetic Appreciation of Nature
The above photo is a photo I took while on the 3rd floor of Thomas More College's Library. I want the reader of this blog to visualize being in this moment while I address key issues regarding the analysis of the aesthetic of nature model. George Santayana, addressing perceived problems of the aesthetics of nature, argues that the natural landscape is “indeterminate” and “promiscuous”. That is, nature is so diverse that it affects our concept of beauty; for we don’t know what aspect of nature to focus on to achieve an appropriate aesthetic appreciation. I propose that Santayana is wrong in making this argument. Firstly, it can be argued that the vast nature that he talks about is already is already being focused on based on the limitations of our field of view. We cannot view nature in whole, thus we are focusing an various aspects of nature involuntarily. Second, Within this field of view we need not concern ourselves with focusing further on nature to appreciate it. The above photo represents my limited field of view of nature, I need not focus more on various aspects of this area to determine if it is beautiful. Looking at the entire photo we natural say that this is a beautiful perspective. I am not saying that focusing further on nature does not give us an aesthetic experience, but rather, we can gain an aesthetic appreciation of nature from this perspective. Granted, if we focus just on the sunset we may have a great aesthetic experience in comparison to focusing on the car on the road. Looking at the big picture we see that every element of nature adds to its aesthetic appeal, but if we choose to focus more each individual element we may increase or decrease our aesthetic appreciation of nature.
Dreaming of Outdoors
This picture isn't really good, but this is a poster in my office that says "Outdoors" at the top. Ironically I work for an organization whose big focus is getting more people outside. However, I work in an office in the middle of a city away from nature. My view versus the view of the people we inspire to go outdoors is completely different. I like to think that their ability to experience and appreciate the beauty of nature outweighs my inability to do the same (or at least to do it as frequently). The more people can have any sort of experience with nature that allows for appreciation, the better. Many people do not get to experience much nature due to urbanization and the clean-cut suburbs. It may even be more important to increase opportunity for appreciation rather than coming up with a framework to evaluate the appropriateness of appreciation.
The final day of class Alan talked about the thunderstorm last Monday. Very much like Alan I am overwhelmingly astonished by storms. From an object model point of view on a visual level the greatest part is the lightning. I think it is because you only have a split second to appreciate what is occurring. The sublimity of the sight followed by the sound of the thunder really creates the entire storm experience that I also look forward to. The danger and the scientific occurrence just makes it that much cooler. I believe Carlson would agree.
limit of our intellect
So for one of my final blogs I wanted to share an excerpt from my final paper with you all. My initial topic was on the stars but after reading a great deal of the book Dr. Langguth allowed me to borrow my topic veered slightly. Well here ya go.
My argument lies in this question: How can it be, when we acquire scientific knowledge that there are aspects of our universe that we do not understand or could not possibly understand we disregard it? There is scientific knowledge that shows that our human capabilities are far too inadequate to comprehend certain phenomena’s especially those we are unable to come in any contact with. This is why the stars, the solar systems, the galaxies and cosmos are so fascinating. To clarify, it’s not that we intentionally ignore this knowledge, but we don’t appreciate it or aim to understand it on the merit that it deserves. Why? Because we are creatures of experience. We can try as hard as we like to understand the phenomenon and all things around us, even when science backs it up we cannot fully conceptualize it until it becomes concrete. My favorite example of this is the effects of global warming. Scientifically, based upon previous knowledge and understanding, we are able to predict the ramifications of climate change. We have scientifically determined that we are at fault for this global occurrence. We have scientifically recognized that if we do not reverse the effects we have caused terrible global events will occur. We have scientifically evaluated how to address and solve the problem. Finally, we have scientifically predicted that our problem solving tactics and actions will be effective. Yet, not enough is being accomplished on the issue. We are so contradictory; we are so quick to want to acknowledge that science has all the answers but then we don’t always follow where it leads us. This is a direct result of lack of concrete experience. Without that palpable evidence our learning and understanding is incomplete. Furthermore, in regards to the universe we are incapable of ever completely understanding it because we will never have hands on experience with all of it. That is not necessarily a limitation of science, that is a limitation of human intellect.
In my paper I really examine the role of humans in the universe, and how the universe may always be entirely to complex for us to fully understand. Our limitations are not a flaw in our scientific process. Rather the limitation is in humanity.
My argument lies in this question: How can it be, when we acquire scientific knowledge that there are aspects of our universe that we do not understand or could not possibly understand we disregard it? There is scientific knowledge that shows that our human capabilities are far too inadequate to comprehend certain phenomena’s especially those we are unable to come in any contact with. This is why the stars, the solar systems, the galaxies and cosmos are so fascinating. To clarify, it’s not that we intentionally ignore this knowledge, but we don’t appreciate it or aim to understand it on the merit that it deserves. Why? Because we are creatures of experience. We can try as hard as we like to understand the phenomenon and all things around us, even when science backs it up we cannot fully conceptualize it until it becomes concrete. My favorite example of this is the effects of global warming. Scientifically, based upon previous knowledge and understanding, we are able to predict the ramifications of climate change. We have scientifically determined that we are at fault for this global occurrence. We have scientifically recognized that if we do not reverse the effects we have caused terrible global events will occur. We have scientifically evaluated how to address and solve the problem. Finally, we have scientifically predicted that our problem solving tactics and actions will be effective. Yet, not enough is being accomplished on the issue. We are so contradictory; we are so quick to want to acknowledge that science has all the answers but then we don’t always follow where it leads us. This is a direct result of lack of concrete experience. Without that palpable evidence our learning and understanding is incomplete. Furthermore, in regards to the universe we are incapable of ever completely understanding it because we will never have hands on experience with all of it. That is not necessarily a limitation of science, that is a limitation of human intellect.
In my paper I really examine the role of humans in the universe, and how the universe may always be entirely to complex for us to fully understand. Our limitations are not a flaw in our scientific process. Rather the limitation is in humanity.
Blog #12
An aesthetically beautiful thing, in my opinion, is a storm. Most people don't like it because it's loud, windy, and rainy, but I think that's what makes it pleasing. Also, it has the capabilities to evoke many moods among peoples. Even though it's so loud, everything else is quiet and you can really hear each sound particularly. Not only is it pleasing to the eyes and moods, but to the ears as well.
Blog #11
Recently I went golfing at the golf course in my town. Even though it isn't one of the better courses around, I think it is aesthetically pleasing. It is surrounded by a farm with cows and there are creeks that run through it. I think it is really good that instead of destroying these habitats for the animals they did their best to keep it natural. Even when you're playing you get to the see the wild life that lives there and it's a fun experience
Blog #10
When I was in high school I went to Las Vegas with my mom. Even though it was a beautiful city, the ride to Las Vegas was even better (in my opinion). Driving across the country and stopping along the way to admire the different sites was great. I was able to get a variety of scenes in a short amount of type. Driving through all those different places helped me appreciate all the nature that is out there.
Blog #9
Recently I just went fishing on my friend's aunt's property. It was tucked back on a farm surrounded by a bunch of woods. This experience reminded me of the Aesthetics of Engagement. I was able to enjoy fishing much more when I was experiencing it without thinking of what was around me or the fish and pond with a scientific background. Immersing myself in the nature and enjoying it was a big part of my admiration for it and the beauty that came along with it.
Blog 12
For each of my other blogs, I discussed specific things that were beauty, but in this final blog, I would like to the beauty of everything. Everything on the planet, everything we come in contact with, and everything we see, is in fact beautiful. I know quite a few people that would disagree with this statement and yes they do have their own opinions, but it is a matter of opinion on what you think is beautiful and how you want to appreciate it. According to positive aesthetics, everything is beautiful if you look at it with the right mind. Ralph Waldo Emerson says we need to embrace our inner kid because of their open-mindedness and are able to see more things as beautiful. As you get older, you become more judgmental, and naturally will think not as many things are beautiful. I personally agree with positive aesthetics and Ralph Waldo Emerson. We need more positive people in the world, because too many people are Debbie Downers. In my opinion everything is beautiful if you use the right perspective. The beauty may not be seen by all , but to some everything is beautiful, and that is what matters.
Blog #10 birds
I find birds returning to be a sign that spring is here. The noise and sight is both appealing and relieving.
Tuwee, calls a bird near the house, Tuwee, cries another, downhill in the woods. No wind, early September, beeches and pines, Sumac aflame, tuwee, tuwee, a question and a faint But definite response, tuwee, tuwee, as if engaged In a conversation expected to continue all afternoon, Where is?—I’m here?—an upward inflection in Query and in response...
–from "Birdcall" by Alicia Suskin Ostriker
Tuwee, calls a bird near the house, Tuwee, cries another, downhill in the woods. No wind, early September, beeches and pines, Sumac aflame, tuwee, tuwee, a question and a faint But definite response, tuwee, tuwee, as if engaged In a conversation expected to continue all afternoon, Where is?—I’m here?—an upward inflection in Query and in response...
–from "Birdcall" by Alicia Suskin Ostriker
Blog 11
Earth is a very beautiful planet. It is saddening to see that humans are constantly destroying the environment. Humans to day are very wasteful and do not realize the impact they are actually having on the environment. Plastic water bottles are a huge market, and are constantly being sold because of their convenience. Not all people realize that these plastic water bottles are damaging the environment when they just throw them away. When chemicals are released into the air and with a filling up of the landfills, this leads to damaging the environment. People do not truly understand these concerns and the impact it will have on the future generations. At the rate the world is going now, the environment will run out of natural resources and the people will live in a very unsafe environment. It is beautiful to see people who care about the planet and take action for what is right. When people recycle, drive less, and conserve energy, it is a beautiful thing because of their respect for the environment. When people care about the future environment of others it is beautiful to see them take care of the planet that so many people take for granted.
Blog 10
The Road to Hana is on the island of Maui, that is such an awesome trip to take if you get the chance to. On this trip across the island, there are so many places to stop and see some of the beauty of Maui. The Road to Hana is an all day trip, most people stay the night once they get to Hana, but when my family went, we just traveled back to our hotel that same night. This road goes through the mountains, to the coast, and across the country. You really get to see a lot of the island. One stop was to hike about a mile just to see some of the beautiful landscapes of some of the "gardens" of Maui. In some of these gardens there were painted trees that were very intriguing to the eye, and very beautiful. Another one of the stops we made was at the Black Sand Beach, which is very beautiful and unique, considering most sands are white or yellow. There were quite a few stops to see waterfalls, but there is one of these stops that really stand out. This one waterfall, we had to hike two miles through forests to reach it. It ended up being worth the long walk, because it was a truly remarkable site. We were tiny as we admired this 400 ft. waterfall. It was just an incredible site to see. The Road to Hana is an amazing experience.
Blog 9
As I previously talked about Hawaii and the island Kauai, I want to share the beauty of Maui. Although Maui is much more industrialized than Kauai, it is still extremely beautiful. There are so many places to go to just go site seeing. The beaches on the island of Maui are extremely beautiful as well. You also have the opportunity to travel to the top of a volcano on the island, which is just as a remarkable site, to look over the island. Overall the entire island is extremely beautiful. Everyone on the island was in awe of its beauty. It is easy to say that Maui is aesthetically pleasing to everybody who visits it. Maui and Kauai were two of the most beautiful places I have ever been, and probably will ever go.
Blog 8
Another very beautiful place that I have been to is the Grand Canyon. Anyone who visits this place is in awe of its magnitude. As far as the eye can see, you see the canyon. There are so many bright colors in the canyon, especially if you see a sunset. The brightness of the oranges and reds are so beautiful. They have Pink Jeep Tours, where you ride around through the canyon in these pink jeeps. Although at some points the ride may be a bit scary, you get to see parts of the canyon that you wouldn't wee without it. Overall, the Grand Canyon is a very beautiful place. It is impossible to give it justice when just writing about it. In my opinion, the Grand Canyon can be aesthetically pleasing to everyone. The magnitude of it all is breathtaking. If you have never been to the Grand Canyon, I would highly recommend a trip there at some point in your life.
Blog 12
I wanted to quickly discuss the topic I am using for my final paper. I am addressing the fact that humans and our environment are on the same continuum. As we grow and expand our resources and technologies, we find that the world we live on is suffering the ultimate price. I address this issue with the examples of deforestation, the depletion of the ozone layer, and the over-taking of technology.
Blog 11
The role of technology is very interesting when considering environmental aesthetics. This is particularly because it causes so much harm, but yet has become an everlasting part of our environment. It is difficult to imagine an aesthetic appreciation for a tool that has lead to much damage in the natural world around us.
Blog 10
Today was the first day that really seemed to feel like summer. At 85 with the blistering sun, I found myself appreciating the blazing ball of fire. Due to having such a harsh winter it was hard to believe that this nice warm weather was ever going to come back, but I am beyond thankful it has.
Blog 9
This past weekend we played in the PAC tournament, as well as hosted it. During this time i began to notice and appreciate the environment that is around me everyday even more than usual. It is events like this that put on display the surroundings that are so often taken for granted.
Comercial flowers
In class we spent a good amount of time discussing the view of positive aesthetics. As you all should know positve aesthetics has the view that nature untouched by human interaction is most beautiful. The other day I got flowers, crazy daisies, my favorite. Anyway, I got thinking about the commercial flower. Yes, sure its nature, its a living flower, but it is so heavily modified by humans. Certainly they are modified in order to make them more aesthetically appreciated but, I think those with the view of positive aesthetics would think otherwise. Commercial flowers are often grown with pesticides, genetically modified and artificially selected, dyed and ultimatley taken out of their natural environment and placed in a vase that sits on a table top until they die. Clearly, commercial flowers have been marked by humans. I think those in positive aesthetics would argue that comercial flowers are not beautiful and should not recieve a great deal of appreciation because they are certainly far from pristine, untouched, pure nature.
Blog Post 12
Oddly enough, one of my favorite subjects in school is mathematics, which is also because this is one of my best subjects. While most people would not think math is interesting or beautiful, I tend to disagree. I am fascinated by the rhythms and patterns that appear throughout all of mathematics. There is something very pleasuring about performing math problems or taking a test and figuring out the pattern that follows. While one may think that math is based solely on logic, it actually has beauty when you get good enough to derive these patterns and numbers. This past semester I finished my last math course here at Thomas More, which was calculus. One you get into the knack of deriving numbers and finding limits, it gets easier and it paints a picture in my head of what it should look like mathematically and graphically. This makes the subject both pleasing and interesting.
What is that?
I bet when you looked at this the first question you had was, " What in the world is that?" Well to answer your question; this is a microscope slide of heart tissue from a mouse that I obtained, fixed, cut, mounted and stained and obviously took a photo of. In my Cell Biology class we had to perform an independent research project I examined mouse tissues and slide stains. This is a Tri-chrome stain, of course tri means three and chrome means color. If you examine it closely enough there is the presence of three colors purple, blue and orange/red. Now heart tissue is mostly composed of muscle fibers that woudl be the purple you see. However there is also conective tissue which binds tissues together, that is the orange. Obviously there is also blood cells in the heart and that is the blue. I hope this provided an example to you of how Carlson's Natural Environmental model holds great significance. Before I explained this it probably meant nothing, maybe now you have a greater aesthetic appreciation for nature on the microscopic scale.
Denstin Florida. I chose to share this picture for multiple reasons. Immediatley the landscape stands out as amazing. The horizion travels for miles out, and every time I look at this photo I feel like I am standing in the very spot where I took it. The wisp like clouds provide a slight contrast to the otherwise perfectly clear blue sky. I also like how at this moment I capture the closest wave half way through its turn over. On the other hand this photo reminds me of the experience I had on that day, but what I think about most almost everytime I think of the beach is the sound. The seagulls, the crashing waves, the wind and the people This was a prive beach in Destin and I distinctly remember noticing for the first time what the beach and the shore sounded like in the absence of the crowd of people. It was remarkable and calming. Really goes to show how large of a role soundscapes do play when we appreciate the experiences we have in regards to nature.

Music Birds
I found this unique. A few weeks ago, my sister showed me a video where someone noticed that the birds on the telephone wire appeared in the shapes of music notes. With a little thought and creativity he took a picture and actually lined music notes up with each bird and produced a real melody. Now, while this falls more into the realm of art, it was his appreciation of the nature he saw along with his knowledge for music that allowed him to produce the melody. I found this to be extremely cool and creative. Now thats what you call a soundscape!!
Blog Post 11
When I think of natural beauty one of my favorite pastimes that is aesthetically beautiful is playing the piano. The peaceful qualities of piano playing create beautiful sounds that make me feel like I am away from the real world. The harmony of music gives a positive experience and has a natural beauty when I am creating something of my own- which is one of my favorite parts of playing the piano. I enjoy creating music from what I hear, instead of playing songs I already know. When I create a new tune, it makes me feel joyful because of the musical beauty, but also because I feel accomplished. Playing piano is awesome because not only am I using logic to get better, but I get to be very creative, which is not something that I get to experience often.
A few post ago, I posted a picture of a sunset in Fort Walton Beach Florida. Well from the same dock I took that picture from I turned around 180 degrees and I see a full moon visible in the daytime. When I took this picture I suppose the fact that you rarely ever see the moon during the day let alone a full moon. The experience I had that day was incredible. I was surrounded by tropical nature along with a clear sky, moon, and an incredible sunset over the water. Overwhelming, everyone else was giving me a hard time for taking so many pictures of the sky but I just replied "What? its pretty." My aesthetic response to nature comes very naturally and spontaneous to me and I love it.
Blog Post 10
This is a photo of one of the most memorable places throughout my college career, the Connor Convocation Center. This picure is aesthetically pleasing to me because it brings back feelings of thrill and excitement from the times I spent on this court. This is almost like an escape from the real world and reality.
Trails of Doe Run
In my first blog post I spoke about how I really enjoyed getting away and head out to the trails of Doe Run in Independence. This is a Picture of the side of the valley leading up to the woods where its horizion meets the sky. With the light snow covering, the dense woods that meets the sky, gives the image of layers. The sky was extremely clear and blue that day and it was warm for the first time in a while. As I write these blogs I notice a reoccuring theme that I tend to share and that is landscapes. I believe I have an appreciation of nature a little deeper than just the picturesque landscapes that I share, but I guess there just my favorite. I prefer to look at the whole picture and allow the aesthetic response to take its own course.
Sunrise in Edgewood
Wow the sunrise on that morning! During this winter, very cold winter, when leaving for class I walked to my car and saw this as I got to the street. Without thinking twice, I pulled out my phone and took a picture. The photo really does not do it justice, it was much more beautiful when I experienced it. Very picturesque, and awe inspiring. I was completley taken in by this sight, enough to make me stop and capture it even though I was running late. Seeing this really put me in a good mood and helped me start my day off right. I'm not a big photographer but I constantly find myself stopping to capture nature.
For the past three years I've been taking a picture of the sunset from a dock in Fort Walton Beach Florida. There is just something about this view that has been inspiring me to capture it time and time again. While on Spring Break a group of students travel to Fort Walton Beach Florida to volunteer for habbitat for humanity. And every year we arrive at this volunteer's house for dinner and time to relax by the water. For the past three years I stand on this dock and take it all in, especially the beautiful sunset. I love this photo and have such an aesthetic appreciation for this photo because it brings back a lot of personal positive memories for me. It also reminds me of how much I do appreciate nature and how I am inclinded to capture moments of natural beauty when they arise. So my appreciation for this particular scene is that of personal value. Not scientific, not natural history, or object, just aesthetics of engagement and the positive emotion that it strirs within me.
Coasta Rica!!!
In the summer of 2011, The womens' soccer team took a fifteen day trip to Coasta Rica. I participated on the trip, and saw nature as beautiful as I have ever seen it. This is a photo I took from our bus as we entered the city of La Fortuna. This is the volcano present in that city named Arenal. I love this photo because it provides tremendous detail. First the little shop you see in the foreground along with the moon hanging in the background of the sky really provides the scaling for this towering volcano. The feeling of sublimity is present just when I am viewing this photograph however, the feeling I had when I was actually there was much greater. The way the moon is shining in the background with the clouds wrapping around it really provides the landscape with an even more picturesque quality. When I am appreciating this image I feel more inclined to appreciate it from a landscape model view. Although it is evident that we could appreciate it from Carlson's point of view with scientific knowledge and natural history, I notice the landscape and the sublimity overpowers my appreciation rather than trying to break it down into concrete knowledge.
In the summer of 2011, The womens' soccer team took a fifteen day trip to Coasta Rica. I participated on the trip, and saw nature as beautiful as I have ever seen it. This is a photo I took from our bus as we entered the city of La Fortuna. This is the volcano present in that city named Arenal. I love this photo because it provides tremendous detail. First the little shop you see in the foreground along with the moon hanging in the background of the sky really provides the scaling for this towering volcano. The feeling of sublimity is present just when I am viewing this photograph however, the feeling I had when I was actually there was much greater. The way the moon is shining in the background with the clouds wrapping around it really provides the landscape with an even more picturesque quality. When I am appreciating this image I feel more inclined to appreciate it from a landscape model view. Although it is evident that we could appreciate it from Carlson's point of view with scientific knowledge and natural history, I notice the landscape and the sublimity overpowers my appreciation rather than trying to break it down into concrete knowledge.

Blog Post #9
One of my favorite experiences every fall is getting the chance to go to an Ohio State football game at the incredible Ohio Stadium. It is an amazing experience seeing over 100,000 people in scarlet and grey. The most visually appealling part of the game is when the Ohio State Marching Band performs script Ohio at the beginning of the game and half time. It truly is a positive experience and it really excites all fans in the stadium because of the sight.
Blog Post #6
This is a photo of The Cherry Hill Park Fountain in New York City. This fountain is commonly known for its' role in the 'Friends' theme song. This fountain is located in the middle of Central Park and was one of the most beautiful tours I had the opportunity of going on. This would be an example of Carlson's Object Model because the fountain is something that we found aesthetically pleasing to our minds.
Blog Post #8
This is a photo that overlooks the city of Cancun, Mexico. I enjoyed this scene for the obvious reasons of the gorgeous sunset and the great view of the city. The sunset makes it a pleasing experience because of its natural beauty.
Blog Post #7
This is a photo of the most beautiful beach I have ever been to in Bermuda. I have never seen such clear waters anywhere else. This picture represents the landscape model because looking out into this gorgeous ocean creates a picture-like feel because it looks like this could be a scene created from a landscape painting.
Blog #12
When I think of one place that is aesthetically beautiful all around, I picture the beaches of Florida, where my family has traveled to for many years. The beach does not only follow the views of picturesque but it also leads people to engage themselves in nature, by playing in the sand and jumping through the waves. With this, we are able to enjoy the different temperatures, textures, and even the sounds of the waves crashing. I don't need a scientific knowledge like Carlson states, to be able to sit back and enjoy the beauties of the vast ocean.
Blog #8 Noise
When I think about the beauty of nature I often forget about the noise element. It can be easily overlooked as simple background noise. But if I stop to listen I realize that this noise is an important part of the beauty of nature. Noise enhances nature.
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Blog 12
Interestingly enough, something I find aesthetically pleasing are music album covers. As odd as that sounds, I find a good majority of them to be pleasing and they reflect the mood of the record produced. Take Ed Sheeran's album +, the cover consists of a faded silhouette of Ed himself on an orange background. He appears to be smirking. The artwork of this cover curiously reflects the chill and simple mood of his songs while introducing a comical side. I will forever be grateful for this aesthetics class because now I can think of things like this!
Blog 11
Another place that I find immensely aesthetically pleasing is the University of Alabama. Although I attend Thomas More, and love it with everything in me, a part of me is still in love with Bama. It has been my dream school ever since I was in middle school. Many of my good friends attend the university and could not be more proud to do so. The campus is one of the most gorgeous in the country. It is surrounded by green lawns, tall trees, and that beautiful blue sky that Lynyrd Skynyrd talks about in their song referencing the state. The campus is also lined with gorgeous architecture that sets it apart from other universities. The famous Bryant- Denny Stadium is prime example of the impressive architecture. The school colors are also my absolute favorite. Nothing beats seeing all that crimson and white on game day! I plan on visiting Tuscaloosa very soon! ROLL TIDE ROLL "Where the skies are so blue."
blog 10
Recently I stared a water coloring art class here at Thomas More. I'm currently working on a piece that is an ocean landscape and I've been thinking of it in terms of the landscape model. This model is the one that says we should perceive nature as if it were a landscape painting. This model made it quite easy for me to immerse myself in the ocean picture that I am painting. In looking at the picture for several minutes, I began to see the various places I would use bigger brush strokes, lighter or dark colors, etc. Using this approach to view the picture, I plan on transforming it into a breathtaking landscape painting.
Blog 9
I decided to dedicate this blog to Timothy Tredwell, better known as the Grizzly Man. In watching his films in class, I began to find myself sympathizing with him. Timothy's life didn't go as planned and in several ways he didn't feel as if he belonged. He felt as if he was an outsider and an outcast to the human race. Eventually, as shown in the film "Grizzly Man," viewers can see Timothy truly begin to believe that he is in fact part of the bear family. The bears and other wildlife became his adopted family, and he fell in love with the beauty of grizzly territory. Unfortunately for him, his "family" did indeed consist of wild animals which in the end were the very cause of his death. Rest in Peace Timothy.
Blog 8
The many ways to aesthetically appreciate nature that we have learned in class has given me such a new perspective in this area. So much so that I decided to do my final project on it. I specifically looked into the landscape model, Carlson's natural environmental model, and Foltz's view on spirituality. I applied each of the views to a picture I took of a fortress in Avila, Spain. In conclusion, I decided that there is not one specific correct way to aesthetically appreciate nature. It's all up to the observer and it is his opinion.
Blog 7
Something that I find incredibly aesthetically pleasing are Reds games at the Great American Ballpark in Cincinnati. To me the stadium is like a second home in which I find so much comfort and peace. The stadium is one of the most beautiful in the country! It sits on the bank of a river and at any point in the place your view of the city is phenomenal. Apart from the beauty of the arena itself, I find the game to be aesthetically pleasing to watch. Overall it is an experience I will always enjoy.
Blog #12 Everglades
Recently for my bio lit class I did my final paper on degradation in the Everglades. I discussed the human and natural impacts and then solutions to them. Doing this paper has showed me that there are a lot of things that affect nature and that the Everglades really are in fact disappearing and soon they won't be here anymore. They are one of the few natural and pristine environments left in the world and they need to be saved. restoration plans were the major source of solutions for the Everglades, but even that is not enough. Studies have shown that the Everglades will never return to what they once were. the Everglades are home to over 40 threatened and endangered species. What will happen to them when the Everglades disappear? I found my research very interesting and important. I think its important for people to be informed about these issues and that everyone should try to save nature.
Blog #11 creating art
Last year I took a ceramics class here at tmc. It was a lot of fun, but also required a lot of work, time and dedication to complete all the assignments and do them well. I enjoyed working with my hands and this was not the first ceramics class I had taken. It took time to come up with new ideas for projects and to then create them which I believe was the best part. Making something out of nothing. I enjoyed all aspects of ceramics and I think that the works produced were quite good. One f the best parts was being able to take them home and use them as well.
Blog #10 Final paper
For my final paper I will be comparing Carlson and Foltz. I will go into detail about Carlsons models and then go into explaining why his final model, the Natural environmental model is the best. Then I am going to explain Foltz's points of view an his ideas on the aesthetics of nature overall. In the end I believe that the best model would be one that contained both Carlson's natural environmental model and Foltz's beliefs because you need not only scientific knowledge in some cases to really appreciate nature, but also the spiritual, religious, and emotional responses that come with being human.
Blog #9 Mount Leconte
I remember a trip to the smokey mountains when i was little. We went to Mount Le Conte. It is 6,593 ft tall and we went to climb it and then stayed the night at the top. The next morning we hiked back down tot he bottom. I just remember how much fun it was to climb and hike. It was great to be a part of nature and to not be surrounded by all the technology and stuff of modern day life. It took a few hours to climb, but was well worth the effort and time it took. I was great to see all the nature and the lookouts on the way up were stunning.
Blog #12
One of the most aesthetically pleasing things in nature is the human person. We are one of natures most mystifying creations. We grow inside of each other physically, and then grow with each other mentally. Humans are beautiful beings because we are made from two others. You can see the similarities between a child and their parents, and I find that so interesting. We are all the same, but different.
Blog #11
My dad lives in a small town called Mount Sterling about twenty-five minutes south of Columbus, Ohio. Well, he actually lives outside of that small town. He lives on a plot of land with multiple acres, and his land is surrounded by other plots of land, most of which are covered in corn or beans. As I sit out on the deck he built off of the back of our house, I can't help but stare at the miles and miles of corn and beans. It is amazing to see such a thing. Untouched, uncivilized land is a rare thing to come about today and it is truly beautiful.
Blog #10
I visited a friend last night who owns a house with a backyard that overlooks Cincinnati. There is something about a city at nighttime that I, and many other people, finds beautiful. It's the brightness of the lights in the dead of the night. It represents a land of uncertainty and exploration. It makes me want to visit and just walk around. It makes me wonder though. Why do I appreciate these huge skyscrapers and the bright lights more than I do the nature I am overlooking to see them? The darkness of the wooded area also represents a place of mystery, yet I don't find myself interested in that.
Blog #9
There is nothing more aesthetically pleasing than a bed after a long hard night of studying. I put so much mental and even physical effort into studying that as soon as I go to lay down I smile, because I know that bed is going to be more comfortable than it ever has been before. When my alarm clock goes off the next morning I struggle to get up because of happy and content I am. I don't think I'm ever happier than when I am laying in bed
Monday, May 5, 2014
Blog #12
A place that I find to be aesthetically beautiful and unreal to think about how much thought and work that goes into it is Kings Island. From all of the roller coasters to the little ponds, water fountains, and the tower it is crazy to think about all the work and thought it took to make it look how beautiful it does. All of the work it takes to make a roller coaster is crazy and really needs to be appreciated. Kings Island is naturally beautiful even when you just drive past it on the highway. That's why Kings Island is aesthetically beautiful and should be appreciated.
Blog #11
A place that I find to be aesthetically beautiful is downtown Cincinnati. I find this beautiful from all the tall buildings to the stadiums. All the thought and work that had to go into it is unreal. From the way the river looks when you look at Cincinnati from Convington at night is an unreal sight and I find it to be very beautiful. The way all the lights reflect off the river at night and to the way the bridges sit and how they are made and created just makes you think about how much work goes into all of this. I find Cincinnati one of the best skylines around especially at night.
Blog #10
We talked a lot about natural landscape and building in class. And a place that I find to be aesthetically beautiful is my house. My house is in a subdivision that is surrounded by cornfields and wheat fields. I live out basically out in the middle of the country which I find a lot of natural beauty in. Nothing big really surrounds my hometown of Harrison besides farms. I like to just look out at the fields and see its natural beauty. The landscape is a good thing to evaluate if you are looking to find something beautiful and to see its natural beauty. That's how and why I see my house surrounded by fields aesthetically beautiful.
Blog #11

Blog #10
Heidegger raised my curiosity when he discussed ancestors and nature. This could also tie into Carlson and his belief that in order to have an appropriate aesthetic appreciation, one has to have scientific knowledge. But, back when our ancestors were here, science and technology weren't as advanced as they are today. There weren't as many resources or means of education on these things in nature or the geology of Earth. But, does that necessarily mean they were not capable of having an environmentally aesthetic experience? I believe that their experience would be different today in comparison back then but I do think it was possible for them to have an appropriate aesthetic experience.
Blog #9
Throughout the course we have discussed several different environmental philosophers and their varying opinions. One that particularly stuck out to me was Foltz and the concept of spirituality. He argued that there are various ways in which religion impacts our relationship to nature and how we view it. I grew up being raised in a Catholic church and I wonder if my experiences in nature would have been different or changed if I wasn't raised in church. Growing up, symbols in nature such as doves always tied back to a religious meaning and maybe they wouldn't have if I would have never gone to church.
Blog #8
What has been most interesting to me in class, is the several different views that everyone has on each subject. It's eye-opening to see so many different opinions about the same topics, such as the designer landscape approach model. Each person has had different experiences in their lives and will continue to have different experiences. It's crazy that people similar in age can have such varied experiences and ideas of an aesthetic experience.
Blog #7
An example of an aesthetically pleasing experience for me is playing soccer. I began playing when I was three years old and stopped right before entering my first year here at Thomas More. I wish that I could've been able to find time between work and school to play it here, but unfortunately those come first. Recently I have started playing again, however, and it's been just as rewarding as I remember it. I love everything about the sport.
Blog #8
Scrolling through my facebook feed I've noticed a trend. So many people are having babies! What is more aesthetically pleasing than a baby? No matter who you are, you cannot deny that a smile on a babies face doesn't bring you a feeling of overwhelming happiness. A newborn baby is the purest thing on this planet because it has no past. It cannot be judged for anything in it's past because it has no past. Imagine what this world would be like if we approached every new relationship in the way that we approach a newborn. This world would be full of nothing other than peace, love, and happiness.
Blog #7
It is amazing how calming an art room can be. The other day I went down to the art room with a friend of mine while she finished up one of her final pieces. As she worked I decided to take a stroll around the area. I came across many pieces of art that were beautiful. Just looking at a finished project that you know took hours upon hours to create is so breathtaking. Nothing can take you on more of an emotional roller coaster than a room full of art done by different artists.
Blog #6
As summer is approaching I have been getting more and more excited about my trip to Costa Rica this summer. I've been thinking about how fun it is going to be to be outside everyday enjoying the beautiful beaches. But then I got to thinking a little deeper. What is it about a beach that is so aesthetically pleasing to us? A beach is just sand and water. What's so special about that? I think it might be because we appreciate what we do not get to see very often a lot more than what we see everyday. I believe we should start to appreciate all nature as much as we appreciate places such as the beach. Just because we see something everyday doesn't mean it's not beautiful.
Blog #5
My family owns a cabin in Southeastern Ohio, in a place nobody has ever heard of. It is so far away from civilization that you have to take multiple dirt roads to reach it. The cabin itself is not much. A small one room structure with a patio and an out house. It is blue with white edging--a cute little thing. But the most beautiful part about the cabin is its loneliness. With nobody around for miles it is a place for me to be alone with my thoughts.
Blog #4
There's a town called Yellow Springs just a little outside of Dayton, Ohio. This town is no ordinary place. This is a place where people are free to express themselves, and its citizens express this right on a daily basis. If one was to stumble upon this town, they would fine that most of the yards are overgrown. The people wear weird clothes and sometimes they smell a little. Although this town has the features, which many people would consider "flaws," it also has many beautiful features. There is a community garden where all of the town citizens are free to take as much as they'd like. There is art everywhere: mainly sculptures and murals. It is full of little shops with fair trade items and family owned restaurants (most of which are organic). This town is one of the most aesthetically pleasing places I have ever been. The people are happy and you see it, and even hear it through the steel drums being played street side. I look forward to every opportunity I have to visit here.
Blog #3
Home. It's all I've been thinking about these last few weeks. With the end of the school year rapidly approaching I feel excited to finally go home. I haven't been back in a while and I just want to see my mom and my old friends. Home is comfortable. Home is safety. Home is familiar. Home is a break from this crazy stressful life I lead here at school. Home is beautiful. Home is where I want to be.
Blog #2
The Soccer field. A whole different type of beauty. I find the soccer field aesthetically pleasing because it represents a place where I always have fun. It's a place where I can go if I have aggression I need to get out. I can be competitive and know that I'm not the only one getting so into it. It is a place where you are never alone. I've always got ten teammates right by my side who I know have my back on and off the field.
Blog #1
The most calming point: the peak of the mountain. I look down at the freshly fallen white snow and find peace. I know that the ride ahead of me will be the time of my life. My heart starts to race from the excitement that is to come, yet, I hesitate to take my plunge down the slope. I wait and admire everything around me because nothing is as beautiful as this moment. I wait eight months every year for this; the moment when I can dust off my board and get back to doing the thing I love most in this world. This is the most beautiful place on earth.
blog 12
a place that i find to be aesthetically beautiful is great american ballpark. the stadium is a well put together facility that has a beauty to it. also the people that come together to watch the reds play is a good atmosphere. the game of baseball is a love of mine so seeing the best of the best playing on a field that is put together so well is thing of beauty to me. all around the atmosphere people and the game together make the ballpark a beautiful place to be and see and enjoy a game.
blog 11
a place that i find to be aesthetically beautiful is here at thomas more college. there are all different kinds of people at this school. also i find our campus to be very beautiful looking. the new chapel was built right in the middle and around it there are tress open fields and the baseball field. the school buildings are also there and all these different parts put together are what i find to be beautiful about our small campus.
blog 10
a place that i find to be aesthetically beautiful is Arizona. growing up i always took family vacations to Arizona to see my aunt and uncle. the culture down there is different than what we are use to living in this part of the country. the climate and weather is warmer which makes the scenery down there different than here. there are cactus and other plants that are not commonly seen by most people. the environment down there was very new to me and brought out a new appreciation for a different type of beauty in nature. seeing new places like this can help you appreciate the area you live in more because you see what other areas are like that are not like yours.
blog 9
a place that i find to be aesthetically beautiful is the ocean. i have been to the ocean multiple times in my life but whenever i am there i find it to be very relaxing. just sitting and looking out over the water is a chance to take in the beauty. just relaxing and listening to the sound of the water and wind can be beautiful in itself. the animals the water and the sounds of being around the ocean make it into a place that is always nice to go and see.
Blog 8
a place that i find to be aesthetically beautiful is my grandma's house. i typically go to my grandmas house for family parties or to help her with things around the house. if i am stressed or have anything going on i can always go to her house and help her out and see her and that will get my mind off everything. i work in her yard to help make it look better and in doing so it relaxes me and clears my mind.
blog 12
the Burn you dont realize you get |
the Luau |
Sunset view of the beach |
the ocean |
USS Arizona |
USS Missouri |
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