Denstin Florida. I chose to share this picture for multiple reasons. Immediatley the landscape stands out as amazing. The horizion travels for miles out, and every time I look at this photo I feel like I am standing in the very spot where I took it. The wisp like clouds provide a slight contrast to the otherwise perfectly clear blue sky. I also like how at this moment I capture the closest wave half way through its turn over. On the other hand this photo reminds me of the experience I had on that day, but what I think about most almost everytime I think of the beach is the sound. The seagulls, the crashing waves, the wind and the people This was a prive beach in Destin and I distinctly remember noticing for the first time what the beach and the shore sounded like in the absence of the crowd of people. It was remarkable and calming. Really goes to show how large of a role soundscapes do play when we appreciate the experiences we have in regards to nature.

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