Monday, February 17, 2014

Blog #4

In an effort to talk about something that s different from what I've talk about the previous blogs is when I went skydiving. Despite how scary it might seem, but skydiving is one of those thrills that one must experience. On top of that the environment around you when you are flying up and then fell you are free falling down through the air. Honestly flying up into the air was so amazing to see. Seeing the grass and trees get smaller until the point where you see the area below you look like squares of areas. Its very picturesque to see these areas of the environment from that view and honestly I felt like superman when I was up in the air. The other really beautiful part about the environment when you are skydiving is when you are free falling. When you free fall, you start to see the squares you saw while up in the area start to turn into the environment you saw as you were going up. In other words, skydiving provides one with picturesque scenery going up into the sky and back down.

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