Friday, January 24, 2014

blog post 2

Continuing with my theme of water from my first post, the second place I have decided to share with you is one of my favorite vacation spots in South Carolina on an Island called Seabrook. Seabrook Island is located just outside of Charleston. It is a private island that comes with lots of peace and relaxation. Due to it being private island you virtually have the beach to yourself without the flocks of tourists controlling the whole beach. It is the times when I was all by myself on the beach that I really was able to examine and appreciate the beauty of the ocean. The highlight of my trip was the opportunity to watch the sun rise and set over the calm ocean water. For me it was absolutely extraordinary to watch the sun rise and set with the peaceful sound of the oceans waves rushing up to the beach. It was these moments that I truly treasured because it was as though everything was perfect and nothing was there to go wrong. For me living in Ohio and rarely having the opportunity to see the ocean it was an experience that I took full advantage of, and took in every moment.

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