Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Blog 12

For each of my other blogs, I discussed specific things that were beauty, but in this final blog, I would like to the beauty of everything. Everything on the planet, everything we come in contact with, and everything we see, is in fact beautiful. I know quite a few people that would disagree with this statement and yes they do have their own opinions, but it is a matter of opinion on what you think is beautiful and how you want to appreciate it. According to positive aesthetics, everything is beautiful if you look at it with the right mind. Ralph Waldo Emerson says we need to embrace our inner kid because of their open-mindedness and are able to see more things as beautiful. As you get older, you become more judgmental, and naturally will think not as many things are beautiful. I personally agree with positive aesthetics and Ralph Waldo Emerson. We need more positive people in the world, because too many people are Debbie Downers. In my opinion everything is beautiful if you use the right perspective. The beauty may not be seen by all , but to some everything is beautiful, and that is what matters.

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