Friday, February 17, 2012

Blog 6: Associations

The concept of appreciating a place simply because one associates an event with that particular location seems rather intriguing to me. Often places spark memories of events which then give the area a whole new meaning. I find this to be true in my daily life. Even the simplest of places can remind one of an event that occurred there, especially if the place is visited often. If one visits a place frequently and is reminded each time of the same thing that happened in the location, the stronger the place and event association will be.

The Studio :)

One of the spaces I visit quite often that I associate with multiple events is the Thomas More’s art department studio room. In the beginning as freshman we were in this space for the majority of our classes and every year since we have spent numerous hours here. Countless joy filled and stressful events have occurred here, therefore I associate the room itself with many of my college experiences. However, if the room were to be viewed aside from the associations it may appear to the average student as a disorganized, cold space. Whereas I will always see this studio as welcoming and cheerful, due to the associations that have developed over the years.

1 comment:

  1. I too can relate to appreciating places due to memories I've shared there. One significant place for me is my own backyard. I live somewhat out in the country but my house is surrounded by wooded area. I have a large backyard and toward the back of it is a fire pit that we've had countless bonfires and parties around...some known to the parents, others unknown to them ;) Any time I'm around this fire or any fire really, I always think of the memories I've had there with friends and family whether it be playing guitar, camping out, doing keg stands, or just enjoying the warmth. Because of this association with the fire pit, anytime I even smell a fire going it brings me back home, and I just visualize my backyard because its the first thing that pops into my mind. My association with this certain place is what makes it so beautiful to me. The fire, the trees, and the emptyness of the country bring a sublime feeling to my being.
