Wednesday, February 15, 2012


This photo of a field with a sundial can be analyzed with the following environmental aesthetic philosophies: 
1.     The “Object Model”
3.     The “Natural Environmental Model”
4.     The “Aesthetics of Engagement

1.         The object of this photo is quite simply the sundial.  The sundial determines the photos emotion, a sense of time and the beauty of it.  Depending on the context, the purpose and meaning of the sundial, especially a rustic one like the one in the photo, gives a certain aesthetic meaning to the photo.  Nature seems to both not notice time, but conversely nature has evolved because of evolution. 
2.         One may appreciate this photo more if they know what how long the sundial had been installed and how many sun rises and sun sets it has seen.  Scientifically, what is going on with the how is the sundial used to tell time?  Knowing the Greeks were the ones that truly began keeping time with sundials means they are the oldest watch, the oldest clock.  Especially since the clock is as natural as one comes; it uses the sun and only the sun to work.
3.         This photo could be viewed as subjective since, personally, one person viewing it may only see a sundial not even positioned the correct way to tell the correct time with the sun, while another person may somehow realize this is the most natural clock that exists; it uses the sun, not mechanics, to count the days down.  

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