Thursday, April 26, 2012

Blog #8 Farming

Farming is a necessity! But i have to say that i think it hurts the view and  aesthetics of nature. Farming is not natural it is made manually and is quite a boring view. I find farming to be very dull and ugly. If you don't take care of the land right than farming can also hurt the landscape by destroying the soil and making it to lose. This will end land being useless and destroys the environment.

1 comment:

  1. Ultimately, I think farming is more than simply a necessary evil. As creatures, humans have a fundamental right to draw their livelihood from the land. It is only through the steadily vanishing wilderness (well, actually through a couple thousand years of urbanization) that we have conceived of ourselves as separated from this continuum though we were still largely dependent upon the land and weather until relatively recently. Of course, even before civilization humans have always sought to assert themselves over and against the land. For example, the Australian aborigines when they first arrived in Australia burned down the forests and basically created the wide open plains. I've heard the same procedure was utilized by Native Americans on the Great Plains in order to introduce big game. Conversely, there have been studies on the Amazon rainforest which suggest South American Indians had some kind of cultivation procedure in their growth and expansion. I think the question arises, however, that since we have the ability to farm more consciously of nature's own limited sustainability (which greatly impacts our own survival) we must find new ways to farm such as the methods Penny Feltner was talking about. Overall, I agree with your post. I am just cautious about regarding humans or their activity as somehow an unwarranted invasion of something alien to us.
