Saturday, April 14, 2012

My Place

Places such a Myrtle Beach, SC, Panamana City Beach, FL, Mackinac Island, MI, are all distinct places which I have had aesthetic and eye-opening experiences. Probably the most important one that I left out is the barn. I know "the barn" seems like such a plain, ordinary place, however, to me it is where I discovered who I truly was, as well as encouraged me to grow in more ways that one. It taught me responsibility, education (realm of horses, from their anatomy to the way they think in some senses), most of all, it taught me of who I am. I struggled for many years with my emotions, anxiety, and waves of depression. When I was a Freshman in high school, I finally began to take horse back riding lessons. This was hte best decision I had ever made. My parents had cut me off money-wise in regards to sports since they had been paying for every sport I had ever wanted to do and eventually, with the exception of softball, I had quit. I had a job and they said if I proved to them that this was something that I would stick with, they would eventually chip in; so I began to pay and stuck with it to this day. In another blog I had posted, Mackinac Island, I brought up how the smell of manure can be strong on the streets, this may sound weird, but to me, that is a comforting smell -- do not mistake me, it's not a good smell, but to me, I know that means I'll be ok. To make sure that I could keep up my lessons, on times that I was short on money, I had worked it out with the owner of the barn I was riding at that I would muck (clean-out) the stalls and feed the horses - this experience, dirty as it was, was where I learned that when I was feeling anxious, sad, or any other emotional aspect I was experiencing, I could come to the barn and work out my issues on the stall. Horseback riding did the same thing just a little less messy and smelly. I have not been able to ride for the past year because of school work, work, and medical issues and I can honestly say, not being at the barn and riding, I can notice a difference in the way I hold myself. Bugbee had it right when he said we need to understand ourselves so we can be true to ourselves and our perceptions. I would not give up my experiences for anything in the world that I had/have at the barn, it is part of me!

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