Friday, January 20, 2012


Every year the summer after high school, a group of seniors goes on a senior trip together. But unlike most high school seniors that just graduated, we don't go to Panama or Cancun. We went with some other young teachers on trips throughout Europe. My senior class decided to pick the trip that went to Greece, Italy and Spain. In each city we spent 3-4 days taking tours and visiting world monuments. We also took a few days out for a cruise through Greek islands, and rode ferries or trains to other destinations. One of my most favorite places was Barcelona, Spain. We toured Spain during the same week the World Cup was being played and the city was so chaotic and filled with excitement and people from all parts of the world. I remember the smell of the street vendors selling food, the street performers in their strange but creative costumes, and all of the commotion going on in the streets. The place was so loud that when just trying to talk to one another, I felt like I was screaming. As I think about the days there now, I can still see everyone in their jerseys walking around with pints in their hands. My favorite part of the entire trip was the emotions and excitement feeding off of everyone as you passed. The mood was so uplifting and everyone walked with no cares, except the occasional scuffle about the two rival teams. People weren't rude, pushy, or obnoxious while we were there unlike some of the other places we had visited, everyone was willing to celebrate with one another and just enjoy the moment while it lasted. That was what I found most beautiful about the place. Not the art, decorations, food, or the history, but the people.

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