Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Blog #3

As the countdown for this unbelievable moment to start, all the butterflies rushed to my stomach. I had been wating for this for over a year when I first learned I would be seeing the Eiffel Tower. You can watch it online or on a movie, but like any experience, it is 100% different and moving when you see it first hand, upfront. Paris in general is one of the places you can't experience just from readings form a book or seeing it in a movie. Maybe it's all the historical context and background that is behind every square inch of the city, or maybe it's the sophisticated nature of their culture. Traveling abroad is something i suggest everyone do because you develop an entirely different outlook on everything; from your life and everyday things, to other's people cultures and their everyday things. You wont take the little things for granted, believe you me.

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