Thursday, January 26, 2012

Blog #3

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina has been, and always will be one of my favorite vacation spots. My family and I go down there once every three years or so and it's always a blast. One of my favorite things to do while I'm down there is just to wake up really early and run on the beach. It's the most relaxing, stress free thing there is. Everyone else that I see running in the morning seems to have the same feeling as I do and it just seems at that particular moment of time everyone is at peace with themselves. My brother and I always dedicate a day to fishing off a secluded pier that we found a while back. We load up our car and grab our fishing poles for a nice day of fishing. That bonding experience is something that I wouldn't trade the world for. Myrtle Beach is some place that will always give me that feeling of freedom and fun living and it's a place that will automatically lift your spirits.

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