Sunday, January 22, 2012


In class we talked about the paintings of nature and which characteristics are real and exaggerated and how beauty reflects on both. I believe that the natural beauty of nature is amazing and nothing can truly copy it. It has came to be over millions of years and an exact replica of its beauty would be hard to achieve. Being extremely talented artist and experts in visual beauty, I feel as if they knew this which is the whole reason they added their own twist to their vision of nature. This twist can magnify and also diminish the natural beauty depending on the artist. In the first painting the artist uses his own style to display a large tree overlooking an ocean. Though not an exact image, it still portrays the beauty of nature. In the second painting, the artist displays a very life like image though of a scenery out of his own imagination.


  1. Wow! That mountain really appears imposing and, in an odd way, very beautiful despite its lack of color. It's almost mathematically sublime in its lack of dimensions, its vagueness.
